Saturday, June 9, 2012

Japanese Squid

The Life of Animals | Japanese Squid | Adult squid have several distinctive features. Mantle covers the visceral mass of the squid, and has two edges, which are not the primary method of movement. Instead, the squid is a siphon muscle, which takes in water with one hand, and it pushes the other side jet propulsion. Squid have eight arms and two tentacles with suction cups along the back. Squids have ink sacks, which they use as a defense mechanism against potential predators. Squid and three hearts. This species of squid can weigh up to 0.5 kg. Mantle length in females can reach 50 cm, smaller males.

Japanese squid can live anywhere from 5 ° to 27 ° C, and generally inhabit the upper layers of the ocean. About 25 different species of squid swimming in the language of Vietnam only. During the years of life, squid larvae mature out of shape, eat and grow, and migration at the end of his life, going to the breeding grounds, where they multiply. Three subgroups were identified in Japanese waters. Squid usually live only one year, because when they reproduce, they die. Then the path continues south, women are "mature and lay eggs from 300 to 4000 small eggs elliptical, or hemispherical." Many vertebrate predators depend heavily on squid, which is second only to krill as a food source in the Southern Ocean. Animals such as albatross and gray whales (the largest of the toothed whales) feed almost exclusively on squid predators of other dolphins, seals, baleen whales and rays.

Temperature (C) the relative growth rate (% per day) intake (body weight / day) food Fish 16 0.06% 30 A study Sakuri. Squid can grow and reproduce better in the laboratory.

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