Friday, November 30, 2012

Golden Eagle


The Life of Animals | Golden Eagle | The golden eagle is a large raptor dark brown brimmed. Its size is variable, ranging from 66 to 102 cm (26-40 inches) long and has a typical size of 1.8 to 2.34 m (5.9 to 7.7 feet). Smaller subspecies (A. c. Japonensis), with a weight of sexes and 2.5 kg (5.5 lb) 3.25 kg (7.2 lb). In general, the species, the males are about 3.6 kg (7.9 lb) and females are about 5.1 kg (11 lb). Tarsal feathers range from white to dark brown. In addition, some white birds "shoulder" at the top of each shoulder pen tube. Upper wing feathers occasionally as white kittens or birds have no white wings are complete. Most of the others are much smaller birds of prey, including hawks Buteo this. Maybe more like the golden eagle in structure between small prey Buteos generally well below paler. Just a few of the Old World vultures and the California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) (among others coexists This eagle birds of prey) are significantly larger, with longer wings and larger prisoners, usually in more uniform color models and often radically different. Compared to the golden eagles Haliaeetus is generally longer tail and the head is significantly lower with broad wings are more or less shaped falcon board.

The eagle Haliaeetus more strongly striated in its juvenile phase, gold has a strong golden brown. Differ from other Aquila eagles in Eurasia is a major problem identification. This identification may be based on the relatively long tail designs in gold or gray and white on the wings and tail. Aquila longer looking darker plumage, a slightly smaller Tawny Eagle (A. rapax) is brighter than the golden eagle. The Imperial Oriental (A. heliaca) and the Spanish imperial eagle (A. adalberti) are almost as large as the golden eagle Aquila between Eurasia, but are distinguished by their long neck, wings flat flight, shoulder covers white top and usually dark in color. Verreaux's Eagle (A. verreauxii) are similar in size and shape to gold, but are almost entirely black (except for a little white in the main wing) and unknown plumage occur with the eagle in Africa. In the genus Aquila, the wings and tail set Wedge-tailed Eagle (A. audax) Golden Eagle is greater than the average size and length.

The largest number of eagles in the mountain areas is today, with many eagles do most of their hunting and nest in the rocks. Golden Eagles usually nest in abandoned areas where human disturbance is minimal and often avoid crowded places during the year. The golden eagle is one of the most powerful birds of prey in the world. When prey is detected, the eagle catch a line in the hope that his prey or is involved in a car chase faster. If birds can participate in an agile tail-chase (Accipiter like hawks) and occasionally to catch birds in flight. Escape the powerful claws eagle provide water few people can once contact is established. While exhibiting strong local preferences for certain prey, eagles are opportunistic, and especially nearly all small to medium sized animal before, if found. Approximately 200 species of mammals and birds have been recorded as prey eagle. Prey selection largely depends on local availability and abundance of prey. Most victims are almost half the weight of the eagle predator, prey to the normal weight range from 0.5 to 4 kg (01.01 pounds recorded 08.08), although this is sometimes eagles fly with prey equal or slightly heavier than its own weight (4-7 kg (8.8 to 15 pounds). In the North American study, mammals comprised 83.9% of the diet of eagles.

Ungulate species are taken too young. For juvenile eagle, eagle eagles wintering reproduce or those who could not, can prey may be less important than the latter. For those who make their nests and the birds of prey are large enough, which can be left and will be returned Eagles have prey ungulates exceptionally wild in these circumstances weighs 30 kg (66 pounds) or more, as an adult deer ( Capreolus capreolus). Recent cases in which Golden Eagle attack caught on camera rare loot was a great white made an unsuccessful attack on a large adult (Odocoileus virginianus) and included a successful attack on an adult male coyote (Canis latrans). See YouTube videos in Mongolia Golden Eagles work alone or together to wolves and foxes to end if prey can disable this screen already formed. It is a confirmed report of a Golden Eagle pulls a teddy bear brown bear (Ursus arctos).

By mammals, secondary important prey group for eagles are other birds. Galliformes different (largely phasianids and grouse) are the main prey bird. Eagles are predators of birds, it is a healthy adult is not prey. There are records of golden eagles killing and eating other birds of prey such as falcons (Falco rusticolus), Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) and Buteo hawks and adults, young and eggs. In one case, a golden eagle in Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) nest fly struck and killed by a falcon swooping father is a setback for the hawks and eagles more often dominant (and a predator can of them). Frequently kleptoparasitize golden eagles or steal prey from other birds of prey. Even though it is not as large as some vultures, eagles tend to be more aggressive and are able to conduct vultures (including body types much larger) and other birds of prey or carrion kill. Interspecific competition occurs regularly with great eagle, Haliaeetus all Eagle (H. albicilla) and Calvo (H. leucocephalus). Although these other eagles (not really related to gold) is generally less active predators, are of comparable size depends on strength and toughness of the eagle and victory in this conflict on the size and disposition of individuals instead of eagles.

Many other types of prey can supply. In Southern Europe, Turkmenistan and other arid turtles are a popular prey. Other prey includes secondary amphibians, fish (consumed regularly in Southeast Asia, but usually removed) and even large insects such as beetles. During the winter months, when recording live prey is scarce, Golden Eagles own carrion. Eagles mate for life in general. In the western United States may designate zones eagle nest 22 to 33 square miles may vary, while preserving the northernmost areas of nesting can be up to 39 square kilometers. Old nests can be 2 meters (3.3 feet) in height, as the eagles repair their nests whenever necessary and whenever. (6.6 feet) in diameter and 1 m If the nest is in a tree, the branches breaking load due to the weight of the nest. Some birds and mammals are too small to be in the interest of large raptor nest often shelter. Their enemies are the perfect size for Golden Eagle prey, and therefore avoid active nests. The independent variable can reach parents 32-80 days after fledging young. Because the Eagles defensive ferocity, the golden eagle predation is rare, even with eggs and small chicks. The only known predators of nests of golden eagles are wolverine and grizzly bears. Although a high percentage of dying in their first year, eagles can survive to adulthood live longer. In some cases, wild eagle and 28-32 years in captivity have survived the age of 46.
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Carolina Wren


The Life of Animals | Carolina Wren | The head has a striking white eyebrow (eyebrow) and a whitish throat. It is easy to confuse with Bewick's Wren, a parent close enough, it differs in being smaller, but with a longer tail, more gray-brown above and white below. Carolina Wrens and Black-browed Wren House differ in being larger, with a bill culmen decidedly fingers and back them up a notch behind the tip. The Carolina Wren is known for his deep voice, popularly translated as "Tea Kettle". A bird sings usually given several different songs. Only males sing their song box. The songs vary regionally, with birds singing on the northern slower than the southern regions. The Carolina Wren also has a series of calls, including a rapid series of notes in a similar tone to his singing, as a warning and a reprimand serious and strong call to threaten intruders.

The Carolina Wren is sensitive to cold. Because they do not migrate and remain in a territory, the population of North Carolina wrens decrease markedly after harsh winters. The populations of Canada and the northern United States after crash regularly experience harsh winters, high agricultural productivity but soon led to a return to a higher number. In winter, sometimes eat seeds, berries and other small fruits. These birds prefer sites with dense undergrowth, in mixed forests or forests on the outskirts, in a natural or artificial cavity. The nest is a large structure, often dome-shaped, with a small hole in the top. Couples can mate for life.

The eggs are oval, gray-white, reddish-brown freckles. Bald chicks are born blind, and dependent parents to fly. Both males and females feed the young. He farmed for a short time after hatching, the young leave in a warm, down-lined nest while feeding adults. 

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Monday, November 19, 2012

PETA Picking On Penguins

The People for the Ethical Treatment ofAnimals (PETA) have never been short of voicing silly,  shocking and offensive campaigns in the furtherance of their ideological animal-rights agenda and this certainly has included marine animals.  Its failed court action in February 2012 against the Sea World marine parks claiming their killer whales should be deemed slaves under the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution being a case in point.  

Recently PETA turned it’s attention to some captive Humbolt penguins that appeared in a Christmas display in Liverpool which received coverage in the UK tabloid Daily Mail newspaper: a paper known for it’s affiliation and support of animal-rights issues juxtaposed to celebrity gossip and right-wing political polemics.

The Daily Mail article can be found HERE.

The paper reported  PETA’s claims suggesting the mistreatment of the birds and the compromising of their welfare.  The birds in question were trained by the well respected zoological company which houses these and many other animals in it's own private zoological gardens; its animals have been used in many film and television programmes including wild life documentaries by the likes of David Attenbough.

It should be noted that the birds in question are all captive bred some of which were hand-reared and none where caught from the wild.  They are tamed and trained and are fully comfortable around humans and in novel situation such as the display they took part of the pre-Christmas Ice Festival in Liverpool.  When not taking part in such events they are housed in a purpose built penguin exhibit  which is of a standard that would certainly pass inspection under the UK Zoo Licensing regulations.  So much so, that the penguin group at the park have bred and reared chicks within this environment.  Therefore PETA claims that the birds are: “petrified and disoriented” when taking part in public events is clearly ill-informed.  

PETA also made much of the fact that these are “tropical birds” from Peru and Chile with The Mail adding that wild Humbolt penguins: “usually nest on the warm Pacific coasts of Peru and Chile”. 

Indeed, the wild species of this bird are found on the coasts and islands of the above mentioned countries but this environment is far from tropical as it is exposed the cold, nutrient-rich Humbolt Current which affects the sea and air temperatures in the areas the birds swim, feed and breed. In scientific terms Humbolt penguin are defined as a temperate species not tropical.

It should be noted that many Humbolt penguins in zoos around the world (including the UK) are exposed to low temperatures and experience contact with cold winter climates with no apparent ill effects to them if housed in properly designed exhibits.  

Spheniscus species of penguin on snow at Whipsnade Zoo December 2012

Further, guidelines on the care of the Spheniscus species of penguin (which include the Humbolts) recommend that exhibits have water mist systems to cool birds in hot summers as heat is far more of a problem to these birds than cold.

Perhaps as an example of told hypocrisy one need look no further than an article the Daily Mail published in August 2011 actually promoting the use of snow in the husbandry of Humbolt penguins in the Scarborough Sea Life Centre.

Perhaps one of the oddest comments made, even by PETA’s standards was: “that penguins can transmit numerous diseases that can be harmful to pregnant women”.   Unfortunately, PETA would not state which “numerous diseases” they referred to which makes it difficult to formulate any truth to this specific claim.  Indeed, many animal species including not just wild but domestic cats, dogs and farm animals can transmit diseases to humans but the likelihood of this being an issue with the penguins displayed in Liverpool seems somewhat unclear.  Moreover, with an attendant vet on hand such issues would have been addressed and if  they did pose a danger to public health it is very unlikely they would have been allow to take part in such an event.

The statement seem to demonstrates a rather sad desperation on PETA’s to not only generate false and misleading information on the welfare concerning this group of birds using emotionally loaded rhetoric but to also compound this with dubious concerns for the public health of pregnant women in Liverpool - many of which may be in more danger of disease transmission from their own domestic pets.  Although PETA itself will not be concerned regarding this matter as one of it less publicised agendas is the desire to eliminate pet keeping as they consider it and other animal use as "slavery”.

Perhaps a more disappointing result of this episode is that some members of the zoological display community seem to think PETA have a point with one comment even saying that the owners of the birds where no better than operators of the infamous roadside zoos that can be found in the USA. 

This is somewhat disingenuous as the birds themselves are maintained to a very high standard and housed for the most part in an environment as good or better than many modern zoos or aquariums. 

Moreover, zoos and aquariums have both historically and contemporary displayed and handled various trained and habituated animals including penguins within the public areas of zoos or areas outside the zoo faculties for reasons of publicity, promotion and education.   

The fact that these animals may be displayed for reasons of  promotion (as in the case of the Liverpool penguins) is not relevant when discussing an issue of animal welfare as the actual situation for the birds would be exactly the same if this was a solely educational event. Although, this is not to belittle the important role in education that good zoological collections should be undertaking, it could be reasonably argued that many people exposed to these birds in Liverpool may well have come away with a greater interest in these penguins than prior to this exposure.  Education, particularly public education, has come a long way from the days of the formal lecture or prep talks a fact that has been well recognised for many years in the development of zoos and aquarium educational programmes.

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