Thursday, February 16, 2012


Beauty Of Animal | Capybara | The capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) is the largest extant rodent in the world. Its closest relatives are agouti, chinchillas, coyphillas, and guinea pigs. Native to South America, the capybara inhabits savannas and dense forests, and lives near waters. It is a very gregarious species, and can in groups as large as 100 individuals are found, but usually live in

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dama Wallaby

Beauty Of Animal | Dama Wallaby | Dama Wallaby, There are many different kinds of kangaroos, but the Dama wallaby are just a little different than the rest, you are mostly nocturnal animals in the wild, but they do fill up food and sun during the day. They have small front feet with five digits with sharp claws. Their hind legs are very powerful and very much larger. Their hind legs have four

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ring-Tailed Cat

Beauty Of Animal | Ring-Tailed Cat | The ringtail (Bassariscus astutus) is a mammal of the raccoon family (not really a cat), native to arid regions of North America. It is also known as the ringtail cat, ring-tailed cat or miner's cat, and is sometimes mistakenly called "civet cat" (according to similar, though unrelated, like a cat, omnivore of Asia and Africa) called. . Scientific name:


Beauty Of Animal | Coati | Coatis are active day and night. They spend their nights in trees, with several animals share the nest. While the male prefers to travel alone (and possibly also known as a coati mundi, or lonely Coati can be), the females tend to travel and her boys in bands 4-50 people. New born coatis are altricial, or very immature at birth. Coatis swim well and climb well.   

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Black Window Spider

Beauty Of Animal | Black Window Spider | Black Window spider is a species of spider in the family Theridiidae, that contains 31 recognized species. The Black Widows are perhaps the best known representatives of the genus. The injection of neurotoxic poison latrotoxin of this type is a comparatively dangerous spider bite, what latrodectism in the state, named for the genus. The female black

Atlantic Puffin

Beauty Of Animal | Atlantic Puffin | The puffins (Fratercula arctica) is a seabird species in the auk family. Further known as the common puffin, it is the only species that puffins in the Atlantic to find "is. The Puffin is the provincial bird of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. The puffin is 26-29 centimeters (10-11 in) in length (Bill 3-4 cm), with between 47 and 63